Hello there! It’s blog time again! I’ll give you all a moment to put on your blog-reading hats and then we can get started.
(waiting patiently)
(still waiting)
(starting to wonder where you put that blog-reading hat. On Mars?)
(waiting just a little longer and that’s it)
Ready? Good.
Wednesday will mark the four-year anniversary of Age of Animus going live. It feels good to be honest. I’ve mentioned before how I tend to drop creative projects pretty quickly. Four years of Animus is quite simply amazing to me. I’m incredibly proud of what I’ve accomplished. By no means am I the best artist or the best storyteller, but it’s been fun growing in both aspects. Check out this comparison of Nektara and Todrick then and today.
I evolved from stick limbs just before starting the Finding Skitter/Captured story-line back in 2013. That was a big change that came from doing mash-ups. I got used to drawing arms and legs in those and decided to carry it over to the strips. Other than that change, I feel everything else has been a gradual process.
I touted the fact that I finally finished the Finding Skitter/Captured story-line yesterday. A new strip went up today so clearly I’m not done with the strip. I’ve got ideas I’ve been sitting on for two years now that I can get to. I’ve got a few standalone gags coming up and then a short story will begin before the end of October. Keep reading to find out what happens next!
In other news I tried a new board game over the weekend. Medieval Academy is a cute card-drafting game (really the art is awesome). I only got to play the 2-player rules which is a different beast from the basic game. In the basic game, everybody gets dealt five cards. They pick one and pass the others to the player next to them (the direction changes each round). Each player then picks a card from the four cards they’ve been given and pass the other three on, carrying on in this fashion until there are no cards remaining to be passed on. Each player then plays four of the five cards they’ve been dealt to move along seven different tracks. The first track allows players to move extra spaces on any track. Four of the remaining six tracks give points to those who are ahead while the last two tracks given negative points to those who are behind. It’s simple and clean and plays really quickly. We played eight times on Friday and still had time to play two games of Dark Gothic afterwards.
That’s the blog for this week. Have a good seven and we’ll do this all again next Monday. Also, check out the fan mail corner strips every day this week! Carja V