Aug 152014

It’s a little later than usual for a flashback, but I slept in late today. It’s just that lazy kind of Friday y’know? I’ve been awake for a while now and ready to flash it back!

It’s Star Trek time again.

Here’s Cyran in his Admiral’s uniform from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I don’t know that Cyran would ever rise to the rank of admiral, but it was the colour scheme I liked best out of the ST:TMP uniforms.


Here’s the comparison to the original mash-up. Back then, I gave Cyran the pad just so that his pose would be a little different from everyone else’s. I couldn’t get it to work the way I wanted it to in the new piece, so I dropped it.


That’s all for this week. Nektara’s back next week. Field your guesses on who she’s going to be in the comments below. Have a great weekend folks!

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