Jun 112014

It’s that time of week again! Celebrate Wednesdays the Animus way: With a mashup! First though:

Ranma 1/2 is an anime that is aimed at an older audience. The mash-ups featured here are 100% safe for children of all ages, but parental discretion is advised before viewing the anime or reading the manga with children.

“Wait! Is it not custom to give one’s OWN name first?
Fine then! Mine I shall give!
I am the undefeated captain of this school’s kendo club;
A rising new star in the high school fencing world!
The sound of my name strikes fear into the hearts of my enemies!
My peers call me the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!
Tatewaki Kuno, age 17.”

“Did he just call himself Blue Thunder?”

“News to me. Last I heard he was calling himself Shooting Star…”

Kuno is the first of Ranma’s rivals for Akane’s affections. On the first day of the school semester he made a speech that whosoever wants to date Akane must defeat her in combat. Even though she in no way agreed to this, every morning Akane has to fight her way through a mob of challengers hoping to be the one to date her. Ranma earns Kuno’s ire by being too familiar with Akane in his presence. His devotion to Akane is absolute…so long as the pig-tailed girl, isn’t around. Kuno never manages to figure out that his equally-beloved pig-tailed girl and Ranma are one and the same. Here’s Cyran as Kuno in the normal style and with an anime-inspired face. I think his eyes turned out the best of all the anime eyes I’ve drawn so far. Those of you thinking Cyran looks an awful lot like Usagi Yojimbo, I agree. As always, you can click on a picture to enlarge it.


For funsies, I also added some lightning as appears in Kuno’s dramatic introduction.


That’s all for this week! Next week, the Eternal Lost Boy manages to find his way to the site…


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