Jun 062014

Hey! It’s Friday! Time for a flashback foray! I don’t know what else I could say, that rhymes with ‘hey’ so let’s just get on with it, okay?

This week’s flashback is of a mashup I was particularly proud of back when I first drew it, but now is actually pretty painful for me to look at. Thank Six for the remake!

From the Star Trek theme, here’s Todrick in a science officer uniform. To change things up a little, I went with the uniform from the 2009 movie reboot rather than a straight-up original series uniform. I will say this, the new communicators look a lot like a cell phone. I know that cell phones were sort of inspired by the old communicators, but from the back the new ones are indistinguishable from a normal cell phone. As always, click on any picture to enlarge it.


Here’s the comparison to the original piece to see what I was talking about above.

Trek-Todrick-TaNThat’s all for this week. Next week, Nektara is going to be a bad girl. Any guesses? Leave them in the comments below!

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