Jun 042014

I like Wednesday. It’s a good day. Especially every other Wednesday because I get paid. Something good that’s EVERY Wednesday is mashup time. So yeah, it’s that time! First though:

Ranma 1/2 is an anime that is aimed at an older audience. The mash-ups featured here are 100% safe for children of all ages, but parental discretion is advised before viewing the anime or reading the manga with children.

It’s Ranma again this week. Today we have Nektara as Akane Tendo. Akane is the youngest of Soun Tendo’s three daughters. She’s a skilled martial artist and that’s one of the reasons she’s chosen to be Ranma’s fiancée, Not that she’s happy about it. She’s really a good person except she has a fierce temper. One other warning: she cannot cook. We’re talking Deema levels of bad food here! Akane is most likely who I was thinking of when the idea for Deema being a bad cook came to mind. To continue the trend for this set, I’ve included an “anime-face” version as well. If taken alone, the eyes look good, but on my characters there’s just something off. As always, click on a picture to enlarge it.


That’s all for this week. Next week we meet the first of Ranma’s rivals for Akane’s affections. See you there!

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