May 302014

Friday morning: Better than Thursday morning, but not quite up to the standard of Saturday morning. Discuss. Or check out this week’s flashback.

This week it’s back to G.I.Joe.

Here’s Zoë dressed up as Scarlett.


I really like making the cards for the action figures. Zoë’s was a little more challenging than usual in that MyPaint kept crashing when I was attempting to fill in the black background and adding the explosion. The picture was just too big. When I start a new mashup, I fill the screen with the basic shape of the head. In Zoë’s case, I fill the screen with just one ear. This means that her pictures turn out much larger than anybody else’s and cause a much bigger drain on my system’s resources as a result. MyPaint doesn’t have a feature to resize a picture (or none that I can find). I have to use GIMP since it’s the only other software I’ve found that supports .ora files. Crazy stuff. I’m happy with the results though. When I was making my postcard designs I redid the layout of Oonch-Ho’s card to fit the dimensions of the postcard better. I’m using that as the new template for the cards.


Finally, we have the comparison with the original mashup. It looks like I had the same starting pose, but I went with a different uniform the first time around. I don’t know where the old one is from. I guess it must have been from the comics.


That’s all for this week. Next week’s flashback will feature Todrick in blue. Guesses? Post them in the comments! Have a great week!

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