May 052014

On the first day, he said, “Let there be light” but lo there was no light, for the bulb had burnt out and he had no spares.
On the second day, he said “Let there be light” but lo there was still no light, for although he had gone out during the day he had totally forgotten to buy spare light bulbs.
On the third day, he said “Let there be light,” but lo there was still no light, for he didn’t feel like braving the rain to buy spare light bulbs.
But on the fourth day, when he said “Let there be light,” there was finally light to be had, for he had remembered to pick some bulbs up after work.

Thus was it written in the book of “My Computer Room Was Totally Dark This Weekend”.

Thanks to everybody who stopped by Zone 51 on Free Comic Book Day and took an Age of Animus postcard home with them. Most of you were friends who already knew about the site, but I still appreciate that you liked them enough to bring some home! When visitors ask, “Hey! Where did you get that rocking postcard?” you’ll be able to give them the 411 about the site, so it’s still a win for me! By the by, if you colour in the back of the card, be sure to send me a scan of the picture so I can put it up on the site! To the new visitors the postcards generated: Welcome to the site!

One of my proudest moments of the weekend was when Didier, the owner of Zone 51 took a look at my postcards and noted how much I’ve improved as an artist (he even kept a couple for himself). Coming from a professional artist, it meant a lot. I showed him the website back in 2011 and knew my art came up short then. When I started the flashbacks late last year I finally felt I was finally ready to show him what I’ve been up to, to see what he thought. I don’t think you ever stop growing and I definitely still have room to improve, but I’m proud of how far I’ve come so far.

I had a great time talking to my fellow comic book and pop culture nerds. I usually end up getting most of the free books included with the few remaining subscriptions I still get online, so it’s the chance to connect with friends and other fans that makes Free Comic Book Day special.

The one thing I forgot to do on Saturday (other than buy light bulbs) was to buy some boxes to store my comics in. I’m long past due. Since I reorganized my board game collection I can get to my comic boxes again (they were under the board games) so it’s worth it.

I knew I’d be spending most of Saturday out so I tried to get ahead a little bit by drawing one of my two strips during the week. It’s a good thing I did, because between Free Comic Book Day and the general lack of light in my computer room I did very little drawing over the weekend. Thanks to my foresight, I’m only one strip behind instead of two. I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow after work! 🙂

Okay that’s it for this week!

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