Apr 282014

How terrible is it that I’m referring to myself as an “it”? Nah! I’m just funnin’ ya! By saying “it” rather than “I’m” I automatically convey the vibe I want, which is Mad Scientist, rather than I dunno…Ralph Wiggum.


Did some strip writing yesterday for strips 287 through 292. Every strip I write which isn’t the conclusion to this storyline just makes me realize that much more how insane I was to think that I could ever fit this arc into a three-month period from September to November. I’m EIGHT months in, I’ve drawn or scripted another two months worth of strips and I’m still not at the endgame. I may be looking at a 12 month storyline all told. I look forward to the day when I can read it from beginning to end and see how it plays out as a whole.

Saturday I used Photoshop to design some postcards to hand out on Free Comic Book Day. That’s next Saturday for those of you who enjoy free comic books. It’s something I’d been thinking about for a while figuring I had loads of time to get something ready and then I got a message from Fab on Saturday about going to FCBD and it was like, “Whoa! That’s next weekend!” Staples’ website says I need to allow five to ten business days for my order to be printed. I’m hoping like heck it’s only five otherwise it’ll be too late for FCBD.

I do have the postcards I ordered (too late) for Comiccon last year though, so I won’t be completely empty-handed. Lest you think I didn’t learn ANYTHING from that experience, I did remember to design something for the back of the postcard this time. Last time, I assumed that these being “postcards” the back would be split like a standard mailing postcard (half for the recipient’s address and half for a brief message), and not just completely blank. Knowing that I could use the back for anything, I designed my postcards with a colour print for the front and an ink print for the back. The last three aren’t as elaborate as the others but I still wanted to represent Marvel, Star Trek and Star Wars somehow. Astute readers will notice that there’s a preview of the last three Titans mash-ups in the DC design. Sadly I only remembered after my order was sent that I should have done one for my Oonchiana Jones poster as well, but oh well. That’ll be one for next year!


1-Slayers-1    FFIX-Cover   Poster-Final-w-Text   Old-Time-Steampunk-Group-co

Teen-Titans    Carded-Oonch-Ho    BWidowIronCat    Trek


So if you drop by Zone 51 this Saturday you may have one of these nifty designs to add to your free swag. Assuming I get my order in. Otherwise, you can look forward to a Todrick is Jericho or Codex Sass card.


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