Apr 142014

I seem to recall that at some point over the weekend a subject occurred to me that I thought would make for a nice topic for discussion in this week’s blog. Well here we are on Monday and I can’t at all remember what that potential subject was. Oh well, no fun blog subjects for you.

I blitzed through Cowboy Bebop over the last two weekends. It still holds up as a great series. When Call Me, Call Me starts up at the end of Episode 24 …it still gets me (I’m listening to it as I’m writing this). Deema fans should know that if it weren’t for Edward, we wouldn’t have our favorite scaley today.

I’ve been drawing a lot of Mudd these last couple of weeks. I think I’m getting a handle on him. If there’s one thing I’m looking forward to finishing up the current storyline though, it’s that the entire main cast will be available to be featured.

Not much else to discuss this week. I’ll try to think of (and remember) a better topic for next week’s blog.




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