Jan 242014

You know what day it is, I know what day it is, let’s not play any games with each other and just get to the flashback, shall we?

I’ve been revisiting themes in the original order they first appeared on the site. Next on the list was Bill and Ted. All the pictures are embiggenable. Just click on them.

Bill and Ted was a small theme the first time around so it was likely this flashback was going to be the only time I revisited it. It made sense then that both Bill and Ted would be featured. Because I like Bogus Journey more than Excellent Adventure, I considered going with the movie poster that featured Bill, Ted and the Grim Reaper pressed up against a pane of glass. I love that poster. …But it wasn’t full body. I flipped through some pictures online and decided to be ambitious and try the original movie poster or at least the main element of Bill and Ted sitting on top of the phone booth. As I went along, I decided to just do the whole thing. I even added the caption and some “credits”. My character’s dimensions meant I had to lay things out a little differently but honestly, I’m extremely proud of the way it turned out.

Poster-Final-w-Text    bill-and-teds-excellent-adv

I wrote about the trials and tribulations of the picture here. To get an idea, on the left is an approximation of how far I’d gotten when Paint crashed, compared to the finished picture (sans space and text) to the right and the uncoloured picture underneath:

Pre-Crash   Poster1


If you’re thinking to yourself, “Gee, you didn’t have very much left to do.” then you can imagine how devastating it was for me to lose all my progress. I’m just glad I ended up with a backup I could use. I know for sure I wouldn’t have had the stomach to start the whole thing over from scratch.

Next up are just the heroes of the piece. Together:

Two-DudesAnd separately:

Rick-S-Preston-Esquire   Red-Richedore-Logan

Finally are the comparisons to the original pieces. I remember that the originals were the first time I drew proper sleeves for the shirts the characters were wearing. They weren’t as bad as some of the earlier pieces, but my lines were a lot shakier. One of my big goals is to work on my brush strokes.



So that’s all for this week. Next week’s revisit is another more elaborate piece than I usually do. Come back next Friday to find out what.

  2 Responses to “Flashback Friday – Rick and Red’s Excellent Adventure”

  1. George Carlin goes green

  2. cool! good idea

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