Jan 102014

Hey hey it’s Friday! I’m a little late today because I couldn’t log into WordPress this morning. But now that I’m here, let’s go!

Last week, I went back to the G.I.JOE theme, so it’s no surprise that this week is KITTY (COBRA)’s turn. For those who don’t remember, when I did my COBRA theme, I changed the name to KITTY and changed the logo from a cobra to a cat’s face. It wasn’t a great logo by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve revised it a little bit, but it’s still nothing great. Making logos is not my strong suit.

Deema hasn’t had a chance to be featured in a flashback, so I chose her for this one. There aren’t as many COBRA personalities as there are JOEs so I decided to stick to the same one I did last time, which was the Crimson Guard Commanders, Tomax and Xamot. I have to say, I was really jazzed when I finished this one. I almost pushed it up a couple of weeks because I was so eager to share it, but calmer heads prevailed and I stuck to the schedule. I’m including the original artwork I based the piece on for comparative purposes.



For those who might appreciate seeing both characters individually, here they are.


And here’s the comparison with the original. I’m especially fond of the idea I had of having Deema with a bandaid on her cheek instead of a scar. In the original, I was going for the filecard art which showed Tomax and Xamot looking at each other as though they were reflections in the mirror. This time, I went for the art on the front of the original packaging.


So that’s it for this week! Next week…wait, what IS next week’s theme? I forget…guess you’ll have to check in next Friday to find out!

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