Jan 032014

Hey, it just turned Friday and here I am posting the Friday Flashback! Normally I’d be asleep, but thus is the fun of being on vacation.

This week’s flashback revisits the Real American Hero, G.I.JOE. As much as possible I want to give each member of the main cast a chance to be in a flashback. That’s one of the main reasons why I chose Big Oonch this week.

In the original JOE mash-ups I cast Oonch as Sci-Fi because I like Sci-Fi and he’s a character whose visor covers his eyes. The JOE team has so many characters to choose from however, that I wanted to use somebody different to keep things fresh for myself. I dallied with the idea of drawing Oonch as Lowlight, but ultimately I went with Gung-Ho. I like how he turned out. As much as possible, the first time around, I tried to use the original JOE card art as a basis for my pictures and I continued that trend here. I really struggled with the chest tattoo so I went with my own (much simpler) design for it. If you’re wondering, the B is for the Burroughs, which is where Big Oonch is from. Oonch and Cyran present a particular challenge in that their legs are so short. I think his shortness comes across.


And here’s the comparison with the original Oonch-JOE mash-up.


That’s it for this week. Next week, it’s KITTY (COBRA)’s turn. Until then, have a good week!

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