Dec 062013

TGIFF! That’s right, thank goodness it’s a Flashback Friday!

As I said in Monday’s blog, today’s flashback is from Star Wars. It’s Nektara as Luke Skywalker in Bespin fatigues as shown in the Empire Strikes Back. It’s perhaps the least iconic look of anything Luke wears but I liked the publicity shot that was taken of him in it. As always click on the picture to see a close-up.

One thing about how this picture turned out. Every time I look at it, it seems to me like her nose is floating above her face because of the way I shaded it. I was soft on the details of the blaster but I think it turned out okay. I noticed a couple of things about the costume as I was drawing it, like the fact that there’s a kind of canvas covering over part of the boots and how many empty pockets Luke had.


Here’s the comparative shot of Nektara as Luke then and now (again you can click on the picture for a close-up):


That’s it for this week’s flashback. Next week, we return inside the computer!

  One Response to “Flashback Friday – Nek Skyourser”

  1. May the force be with you! =^_^=

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