Nov 292013

Howdy folks and welcome to Flashback Friday!

I’ve only been drawing mash-ups since March of last year, but I’ve made a lot of progress since that time. So much so, that when I compare the mash-ups I draw today to the ones I did back then, I’m really disappointed that I didn’t do a better job on some of my favorite subjects. Just to see how far I’d come, I thought why not redo the first mash-up I did, which was Todrick as Aquafox (Aquaman)? I love alliterative names and so Flashback Friday was born. Anyway, that’s the background, let’s get to the picture, right?

I decided to go with the New 52 version of Aquaman. The difference is mainly in the belt.


And for comparative purposes, here’s the original and the new drawing, side by side.


Okay, so that’s it for now. I’ll have a new flashback next Friday. Have a good weekend!

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