Nov 202013

Hey y’all! It’s Wednesday and that’s traditionally meant it’s mash-up time! That’s going to change next week, but for now, let’s do this!

This week we’re concluding our look at the wonderful world of steampunk. It’s probably a good thing. I really struggled coming up with ideas for this one.

So after the main cast I thought I’d give Skitter, Popkin and Mouser a chance to shine. I sketched for hours and didn’t come up with anything I liked. Then I chanced on a picture that had a look that finally worked for Popkin. The sketching went quickly after that. Mouser was easiest. Skitter comes off looking kind of plain, but I’ve made my peace with it. He’s still cute.

Steampunk-SidekicksSo that’s it. Next week we move to the three strips a week schedule. Regular mash-ups should return sometime next year. Until next time!

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