Sep 042013

Wednesday is Mash-up Day as you all well know. Let’s not waste any time and get to it, yo!

We’re getting closer to the end of the Guild retrospective. After this week, there’s one more to go. As always, click on da pic to see it go big.

I didn’t see a problem with casting Red Rich as Bladezz at first. When I pulled out the artwork to start working on the piece, I realized something: Normally as I decide who’s playing who in a theme, I give consideration to the character’s fur colour and how it will contrast with the costume. For example, I don’t like casting Todrick in any costumes that are red. I hadn’t given it much thought in this case, but now that I was ready to start work on Red Rich as Bladezz I was worried that there would be too much grey in the picture. The only alternatives were Big Oonch and Barnaby and I didn’t really want to use either for Bladezz. Todrick would have been much better but I had already used him for Vork and it turned out well so I didn’t want to ditch and switch. I committed to trying Red Rich anyways. I’m glad I did, because I like the way it turned out. I gave the costume a more bluish tint to make it stand out from Red Rich’s grey fur. Once again, I played around with semi-action poses, instead of having him just standing there. I think it adds something to the piece.

Bladezz-Red Rich

One more Guild mash-up to go. Guild fans know who’s coming up next week. See you then!

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