May 082013

No way! It’s Wednesday morning and the Wednesday Mash-up is already up? I must have gotten up off my butt and drawn something early (on Tuesday night).

If you checked in last week, you’ll know the theme for the next little while is the Furship. Let’s get right to this week’s installment then. As always, click on the picture to see a close-up of it.

This week brings us the wolverine, Logan…er Raz! He’s the Furship’s muscle. You don’t want to mess with a wolverine! He’s also obsessed with making Shinies. Raz formed the Furship as cheap labour in his Shiny-making schemes. Oh he’d never outright SAY they’re his peons! Nono! That would be uncouth! But I’m on to him! And now you’re on to him too! But really, what are you gonna do about it? I already told you, you don’t want to mess with a wolverine.


So who’s gonna be featured next week? Will it be Zouly? Will it be Bunwick? Could it be *gasp* BOTH? Come back next Wednesday to find out!

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