Mar 302013

From the journal of Ardebast Raconteur:

If you’re given to traveling through Pelaria, sooner or later you’ll come across the Rota.

The Rota are nomads. They travel Pelaria in caravans with the wind as their guide. Each caravan is a family led by a father. The father is wind-seeker, reading the wind currents to determine where the family should go next.

Like the wind, the Rota are viewed as bringers of fortune, both good and bad. Which you will get will only be clear once they’ve already moved on.  Less scrupulous Rota will prey on the superstitious, promising good fortune in exchange for favorable treatment. Honest Rota consider these ne’er-do-wells a blight on the name and are quick to distance themselves from those who bring shame to their way of life.

If you do a good turn for a Rota, you are his friend for life and there is nothing he will not do to repay the favor.  Woe be the Rota who turns his back on a debt. The family will cast him out and he will not be welcome in any other family.

Once a year, the various families will convene in one location, as determined by the winds. This Reunion takes place in late fall. The families take the opportunity to catch up with old friends and to trade for supplies that they’re short on with winter approaching. If you ever are invited to attend one I heartily recommend attending. They’re great fun and there are many stories to be heard. Showing up without an invitation is not recommended however.

One can travel freely with Rota, and I have. But know that traveling with a family does not make one a member of the family. Even marriage with a Rota cannot guarantee that. Good friends of the family are considered kindred however and will always be welcomed with open paws.

Carja’s Notes:

Okay, I wanted gypsies but I didn’t want to just call them gypsies. I fiddled around on google translate, trying to find the right combination of word and language. The winning combination was “wheel” and Latin. I have a precedent for using Latin so that’s where that came from.

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