Feb 202013

Hey hey folks! It’s time for the Wednesday Mash-up again. This week, we conclude our look at Final Fantasy IX. This turned out to be one of my favorite sets. I hope you liked them too. As always, click to embiggen.

Here Sass is as General Beatrix. Beatrix isn’t in the main cast. As such, she didn’t get a full body render pose like the other characters. Finding good reference material was therefore more problematic. I had to go with screen captures from the game. This was not ideal because you didn’t get to see her whole body. The pose is from the final cut scene in the game where you only get to see her from the belt up. The lower half was taken from someone’s cosplay costume.I have no idea how authentic it is.


Red Rich gets to play the baddie, Kuja. Again, I had to go with different sources to base this piece on. Kuja is featured in Final Fantasy Dissidia (a fighting game on the Sony PSP) so I could have used artwork from that game, but I didn’t feel it fit the aesthetic of the original game as well. Kuja’s lower body gear is…special. I tried to tame it down here.


At the end of the game, Kuja undergoes a transformation. He goes into what the game calls Trance mode. The last piece of the set is therefore Red Rich in Trance mode.


That’s all for this week. I’ve been mostly focused on the Age of Animus RPG these last couple of weeks as I gear up for a test run on March 2nd. I have no mash-ups drawn for next week so far beyond a first sketch which I wasn’t really feeling. Unless I get more jazzed for the idea, there’s a good chance there won’t be any mash-ups next week. We’ll see how it goes. Have a good week y’all!

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