Feb 132013

Welcome back to the Wednesday Mash-up. More Final Fantasy IX this week! As always, click to embiggen.

Here we have Barnaby dressed as Amarant Coral. This drawing posed an interesting challenge in that I just about never draw my characters from behind. It works out well that I feel that Barnaby is the character best suited for this kind of pose.


Rounding out the main heroic cast is Popkin as Quina Quen. Quina is a gourmet who loves to eat. I feel Popkin is a good match personality wise.


And so to conclude for this week is my reproduction of the Final Fantasy IX cover poster.


That’s it for this week. What? Popkin is being featured before Sass and Red Rich? What gives? Fear not friends. There’s another Final Fantasy IX installment left to go. See you next week!

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