Feb 062013

Welcome back to the Wednesday Mash-up. Today we continue with Final Fantasy IX. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

First up this week, Nektara is dressed up as the lead female protagonist, Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII. The sketch for this one went up on Facebook weeks ago when I started working on this theme. As I said then, I had a lot of trouble with her boots. So much so that when they turned out too big for her body, rather than try to draw them smaller, I erased the rest of her body and redrew it bigger. I also cheated on the pose. The original features Garnet in a full profile pose. I went with a three quarters view. I used a picture of a Garnet action figure to help me out.

Nektara-Garnet Nektara---Garnet

Next up, is Garnet’s loyal bodyguard, Adelbart Steiner, played here by Big Oonch. I think the armor turned out nicely. There were some intricate patterns on Steiner’s belt that I’m not really good at, so I just made up my own patterns. Oonch almost ended up as Freya because the hat she wears lends itself better to hiding the eyes, but I decided to keep the gender roles intact, so Oonch became Steiner who also has a big hat.


Last up this week, is Zoë as Eiko Carol. I gave her the hair, but I left out the horn on her head, because I couldn’t get it to look right when I was drawing it. I tried to replicate the subtle smile Eiko had on her face in the original picture, which doesn’t come naturally when the mouth is drawn with a simple line. I think she’s cute.


There’s more FFIX to come! See you next time!

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