May 282014

Wednesday has long been the friend of mash-ups! How long you ask? As far back as 2012! Wow, right?

Anyway, let’s get back to this week’s mash-ups. But first:

Ranma 1/2 is an anime that is aimed at an older audience. The mash-ups featured here are 100% safe for children of all ages, but parental discretion is advised before viewing the anime or reading the manga with children.

Last week, we met Ranma Saotome, heir to the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts. His father, Genma Saotome is a gifted martial artist in his own right. Here’s Barnaby dressed up as Genma. As with Ranma last week, I also drew an “anime-style” face for him.


“Wait a minute! Hold on! Didn’t you say last week, that Ranma’s father was a panda?!”

Why yes. Yes I did. See Genma also fell into one of the cursed springs of Jusenkyo. As a result, whenever he’s doused with cold water, he takes the form of a panda. Unable to speak, he communicates with signs. I should be up front. I did the most cursory of searches for a translation of the word “derp”. The translator came up with ダープ which translates to daapu. My apologies if it turns out daapu is offensive in Japanese.

PandaThat’s all for this week. Next week, we’ll spend some time with Ranma’s fiance, Akane.


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