Apr 242013

Wednesday is Mash-up Day! Apparently this is installment number 54, so I’ve been doing mash-ups for over a year now! That’s a lot of crossovers. Anyway, let’s get to it. As always, click to embiggen.

I only have one mash-up for you all today as we continue our look at Wakfu.I didn’t get any drawing done this week other than the strips. I started this piece after work today and finished just now.

Here he is! Cyran as Ruel Stroud! Personality-wise, Sass would have been a better fit since Ruel is obsessed with collecting kamas (the currency in Wakfu) but alas, she’s already playing Evangelyne…and she’s not an old guy. In the original piece that I used as a base, Ruel was holding his spade in his right hand. However, since Cyran’s wrench is stuck to his left paw, I switched it around. I wanted to fold Cyran’s ears over the front of his head to replicate Ruel’s beaded sideburns, but it broke up the roundness of his head so I folded them back instead.


I hope to have more than one piece next week. I’ve covered the main Wakfu cast. Next week, I’ll either round out with some secondary cast members, or I’ll switch to another theme entirely. You’ll have to come back to see what I decided!


Apr 172013

Welcome back to the Wednesday Mash-up!

We’ve got two new Wakfu pieces this week. Hope you like them! As always, click on a picture to embiggen it.

First is Nektara as Amalia. This was a much better fit than Evangelyne. Amalia has dark skin that matches pretty well with Nektara’s fur in colour.


And here’s Big Oonch as Yugo’s dragon brother, Adamaï. The big straw hat covers his eyes so well.


I’ll have more Wakfu for you next week! Have a good one!

Apr 102013

Welcome back to the Wednesday Mash-ups.

I’m a little late again this week as I just finished a piece for this week’s installment. As promised, we have more Wakfu crossovers.

First we have Red Rich as Tristepan Percedal. I didn’t want to give him the wild spiked hair, so I chose to colour his ears orange.


And here’s Sass as Evangelyne. I was originally going to use Nektara, but her limbs are too short. Sass works much better for this kind of pose.


That’s all for this week folks. More ‘fu next time!