Dec 132013

Woo! Friday has not arrived too soon! And with Friday comes flashback mash-ups!

This week we get zapped back into the computer world of Tron! To change things up a little though, I decided to feature designs from Tron Legacy rather than the original movie.

As I was browsing through pictures from the movie trying to find a striking pose to recreate, I came upon one of the movie posters which itself was an homage to the original movie and decided that was the one to go with. Because of Cyran’s short height however, I had to give him a little boost, which is why he’s standing on a pedestal.  I could have gone with someone taller, like Todrick who would have made sense because he’s Nektara’s boyfriend, or Red Rich, since he was Flynn in the original set and Tron Legacy features Flynn’s son, but with Cyran being the one who receives the energy wrench (disk) in the original set, I chose him to be featured again in this piece. I went with Nektara because she was featured in the original set and her hair matches up well with Quorra’s. As always, click on the picture to zoom in.


I don’t usually link the original picture I used as a model, but in this case, I’m including it just to compare.


And while we’re comparing things, here are comparisons to the original Tron mash-ups!


So that’s it for this week! Next week is another sci-fi staple! Peace out!