Feb 182015

Good morning world (or whatever time period it is for you)! It’s mash-up time again! Let’s get to it!

More Star Trek this week! As always, click on the picture to enlarge it.

I skimmed through a LOT of pictures before finding a uniform I thought would be nice to draw for Chae. I ended up going with a uniform from the movies (II through VI). Those uniforms are just my favorites. This is the one the ensigns wore.


That’s all for this week. Be ready to go “Yo Joe!” next week! See you on Wednesday!

Feb 112015

Hello mash-up fans! Aren’t you glad it’s Wednesday? I know I am! Let’s get to it!

So it’s a return to Star Trek this week and next. As always click on a picture to enlarge it.

I wasn’t sure what direction to go with for Skitter in Star Trek. All of a sudden it comes to me…the Borg! That’s a pretty big part of the franchise now. So here you have it.


That’s all for this week. Next week Chae will be rocking some Star Trek threads. See you there!

Dec 122014

Hey there folks! Sorry I’m a little later than usual this week. I’ve been hitting the snooze button more lately so I have less time to get ready in the morning. That means less time to do any posting. Anyway, I’m here now so let’s do this!

This week is the last of the Star Trek flashbacks. As always, you can click on a picture to enlarge it.

So Sass is closing things out with the communications uniform that Uhura wore in the 2009 Star Trek movie, which is itself a new take on the yeoman’s uniform from the original series. A pretty simple costume if I do say so myself.


Here’s the comparison to the original mash-up. No crazy ‘do this time around.


That’s it for Star Trek. Next week will be the last of the Cobra mash-ups!

Oct 172014

Hey diddle diddle to folks with a fiddle and a fine howdy-doo to the rest of ya! It’s Friday morning and time for everybody’s favorite feature, Flashback Friday! Let us flash on the past, okay?

This week’s flashback takes us to Earth’s future. That’s right it’s a Star Trek week. Remember to click on pictures that you want to enlarge.

The Star Trek theme started out strong, but near the end, I ran out of different uniforms to use. For Nektara I chose to use the uniforms worn in Enterprise, the prequel of sorts. The uniform is mostly just a basic blue jumpsuit, nothing flashy. Not a lot of fun to draw. Oh well, it’s done now.


Here’s the comparison to the original mash-up.


That’s all for this week. Next week’s flashback is gold folks! Pure gold! See you next Friday for the reveal!

Sep 192014

Good morning gentles, it’s Friday the day where leprechauns and unicorns unite to produce mash-up flashbacks. I bet you didn’t know that’s how they were made huh? Me neither. My brain is weird sometimes (most of the time).

So Star Trek…yeah. Nothing to say that hasn’t been said already. Just click on a pic to enlarge it.

When I did the original mash-ups, I was running out of unis to put the cast in. That’s when I decided that Barnaby could be a Klingon and later that Zoë would be a Romulan. I was less enthused to revisit those ideas this time around. The results are alright though.


Here’s the comparison with the original mash-up. Obviously I chose a different set of Klingon armor for Barnaby this time around. That was mostly just so I could try something new. There can be so many variations. I was surprisingly elaborate with the colours in the original.


That’s all for this week. Next week, we meet the Night. Ooooh! Mysterious! Find out what it means next week and post your guesses until then in the comments below!