Sep 282022

It’s time once again for us to visit pop culture through the lens of the Animus cast. It’s mash-ups!

I didn’t know how to go for Mina in Shadowrun. I think she’d be a Face, because she thinks she looks amazing. And she does look pretty good here in her gear. It’s rare that I say I think I did a good job on the feet, but I like what I did with the feet here. Have I turned a corner? Only time will tell!

That’s all for this week! Next Wednesday is a new adventure!

Jan 272021

As we march deeper into Wednesday, it’s time to give our tender tootsies a rest and take a mash-up break.

Sass is here to close us out. I drew the picture before deciding on her class. I’d say she’s a Face. I think this is a my favorite piece of the set at least design-wise.

That’s all for our deep dive into the Matrix. Next week begins a new chapter also with computer roots, only this time in the past rather than the future. If I haven’t spoiled it elsewhere already, come back on Wednesday for the reveal. Have a great week all!

Jan 202021

Ohhhhh it’s a jolly holiday with mash-ups! No wonder that it’s mash-ups that we love. My apologies to the Sherman Brothers! Time for a mash-up!

Here’s Deema, or should I say L1Z@rd, our other rigger. She’s got her a nice tank drone. It occurs to me right now as I’m posting this, that I should have given the drone some mouse ears so I could say it’s Mouser. Oh, I’m gonna say it’s Mouser anyway! 🙂

We have one more Shadowrun piece left to go. Sass is going to close us out. Come back next Wednesday for the reveal!

Jan 062021

It’s the first mash-up of 2021! Rejoice! Celebrate! Or just look at the picture.

We have another Face this week. This time, it’s Chae. The artwork I took inspiration from had a girl wearing some black leather, but I decided to put Chae in white leather since her fur is already dark gray. I think this pops a bit more. I also tried a new pose. It isn’t a rousing success, but I’m glad I gave it a shot.

I’ve got the last three Shadowrun pieces drawn. They’re just waiting to be coloured. You get to see one of them next Wednesday! In the meantime, I need to find a new theme to start on.