It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these. Here are some pictures for you to print and colour. Click on the picture you’d like to print to enlarge it and then print it. Below each picture, I list who’s who and whether it’s best to print the picture as a Portrait or a Landscape, which you can set in your page setup when you go to print them. If you colour a picture I’d love to see it so be sure to share it on the Age of Animus Facebook page!
Barnaby as Kegan (Portrait)
Crismus as the Emerald Seer (Portrait)
Cyran as Torquil (Landscape)
Nektara as Lyssa (Portrait)
Big Oonch as Rhell the Noclops (Portrait)
Red Rich as Ergo the Magnificent (Portrait)
Todrick as Colwyn (Landscape)
Tomaw as Ynyr (Portrait)