Jan 192022

Hey hey it’s the wolfies! And wolfies really like wolfing food down! Yeah, that’s the intro I’m going with this week. Let’s get to the mash-up.

Koga is the leader of the wolf demon tribe. He’s a rival to InuYasha through and through but they end up helping each other. He feels very much like the Ryoga to Inuyasha’s Ranma. He gets points from me on that alone, but I haven’t seen a lot of Koga to know more than that.

Wolf tribe…feels like I should have given this one to Tomaw, but then I would have had to add another character. Most likely, I would have added Hachiemon, who’s a tanuki, which I feel I would have had to give to Red Rich, and that means Cyran would have gotten Sesshomaru, which I don’t think would have worked as well. So a rabbit is playing a wolf. Because yes, here’s Cyran as Koga. But Cyran commits to any part given. He even dyed his ears to match his wig so it would look like Koga’s ponytail!

That’s it for the InuYasha theme. Looking back, it’s not a strong set, but it’s better than I thought it would turn out after the first piece so I’ll take comfort in that. Now I have to decide what to do next. I really have no idea. I’ve got a few days to decide.

Jan 122022

Well, well, well! You’re back for another mash-up eh? Awesome! Let’s get to it!

Kanna is Kagura’s sister sort of? They’re both incarnations of Naraku. She doesn’t hate Naraku like Kagura does. Her weapon is a mirror which absorbs attacks and souls.

Here is Zoë as Kanna. Not a whole lot of colour in this one as Kanna wears a white robe and has white hair. I gave it a little bit of a blue tint just so it would stand out. Zoë’s ears often present an interesting challenge to fit in with hairstyles or helmets. I think this one turned out kinda cute.

That’s all for this week. Cyran closes the theme out next week! No pressure!

Jan 052022

It’s 2022! We’re not at full capacity for 2’s yet but I won’t be around to see it when we are. Chances are you won’t be either (not that I don’t wish it for you). One thing you ARE here for though, is a new mash-up! So let’s get to it!

I don’t really know Kagura all that well. I haven’t gotten that far into the series. She was created by Naraku and serves him unwillingly, though not because she wants to be good.

Chae is here as Kagura. It’s a simple design, but I like this one. It took me a while to figure out that what’s hanging from her waist is actually the sleeve and shoulder of her outer robe. I think that’s kinda neat!

That’s all for this week! We’re almost finished this theme! If you have suggestions for the next one, please share!

Dec 292021

Hello all! This is the last thing I’m going to write for the site in 2021! The next time I write it’ll be 2022. Weird how time flies and seems to drag at the same time. 2021 is ending a lot like it started. The in-between was decent, even good at times. I’m just ready for things to get better for real. For now, I’ll make due with a mash-up.

Jaken is an imp who is devoted to Sesshomaru. I’m really tempted to call him a toadie because that’s the obvious joke since he looks like a frog. That’s low hanging fruit…which is the only fruit Jaken can reach since he’s so short. Oh man, these jokes just write themselves!

Zouly is making his first appearance in the mash-ups! As I said, Jaken looks like a frog, so it made too much sense to leave him out. His outfit is similar to Kikyo’s so nothing new here. Well, the staff I guess is sorta new.

That’s all for this year! The next time we look at a mash-up together it’ll be 2022! Laetus Novum Annum!

Dec 222021

Hello! It’s never too late to post…until it is. But it isn’t so I am. Posting. Let’s get to the mash-up!

Kikyo is a shrine priestess who died prior to the events of the series. She has a link to InuYasha and I don’t want to spoil anything else, so I will leave it at that.

Here’s Deema as the ultra-serious Kikyo. It’s playing against type right? This isn’t a very complex outfit, but it’s one of my favorites of this set so far.

That’s all for this week! Merry Christmas to everybody. One more mash-up to go in 2021! Come back next Wednesday to see it!