Mar 272013

Hey everybody, it’s Wednesday time for the mash-ups.

Okay, honestly, I got home from work yesterday and was about to work on the RPG when I remembered that I hadn’t drawn ANYTHING for this week’s mash-ups. I could have let it go, but I really wanted something to go up. But what? I have a list of ideas I might like to do eventually, but nothing that I wanted to do right now. So what about what I’ve been into lately. That would be Wakfu.Hey, why not?

I did a picture search on Yahoo! and the first picture I checked out was of Yugo from the Wakfu cartoon. Okay, that would work. Now, who would get the honours. The bonbons on his head screamed Nektara or Barnaby. But then I thought, Yugo has a pet Tofu (a bird-like pet) named Az. Bird = Popkin and Popkin = Zoë. So here are Zoë and Popkin as Yugo and Az. As always, you can click on the picture to get a closer look.


I went with animation style colouring, which means solid colours for shading. I don’t hate it.

Assuming all goes well this weekend, I should have another installment of From the Gaming Table next week. There should be new Wakfu mash-ups the week after that.