Jun 082013

DISCLAIMER: The Furship Chronicles narrate the adventures of our gaming group as we playtest the Age of Animus Storytelling Game. Bunwick is played by Frank, Emeraldine Fiera is played by Melanie, Raz is played by Steve, Wilhemina is played by Fab and Zouly is played by Lyne. The interactions you read are not straight transcriptions of their conversations in the game (My memory isn’t good enough to remember them all) but rather my interpretation of their characters as they played them in our gaming session. I hope I do justice to the fun we had playing.

The morning air was still crisp when they finally reached town. There had been frost on the ground when they woke and broke camp.. No doubt there would be a snowfall soon. They all agreed it would be good to sleep in a warm bed tonight.

They noticed a large crowd of furs gathered together in the town square. From the look of it, the whole town was there. Nervous murmurs were rippling through the crowd. Something wasn’t right here. Before they had a chance to ask what’s going on, an elder badger stepped up to address the crowd.

“Attention everyone, attention. As you have already heard, sometime last night, there was a break-in at the storehouse. Unfortunately, the news I have to give Is grim. The bandits cleaned us out. There’s no food left. Constable Copley will be taking statements from anybody who has any information that will help. Requests for aid will be sent out. In the meantime, we ask that all furs be conservative with their food stuffs. That’s all for now.”

The badger stepped down and tried to make his way through the crowd of furs who were obviously distressed by the news. They watched as the townsfurs blocked his passage and started swarming him with questions.

“Well what do we do now?” Bunwick asked of his companions as he eyed the commotion.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry,” Wilhemina answered.

“I don’t know that the locals are going to be that open in sharing their food.” Zouly noted somberly.

“I noted there’s a river that runs by here,” Bunwick said, “We could try to catch some fish?”

Raz rubbed his chin, “In this season?” It was a little warmer than when they’d started in the morning, but not by much, “I don’t know…”

Zouly shrugged, “Well we have to try something! C’mon…” he hopped off towards the river leaving the others to follow him.

Raz spoke up, “What about the…?” But the others had already started to follow the frog. He sighed and went after them.

* * *

“So who has some fishing gear?” Raz asked the others. The four furs stared blankly at each other. The wolverine rolled his eyes, “Perfect.”

“I can make a spear,” Bunwick offered. He quickly found a stick that was long enough for his purposes and gnawed on the end to sharpen it. “With this, I should be able to catch us some lunch in no time.”

Zouly watched as the beaver moved towards the river shore, “Be careful close to the edge, Bunwick,” he warned. “The grass is slippery.”

Bunwick turned his head to address the frog, “What?” But it was too late. He lost his footing and toppled into the water where he floundered around for a few moments until his friend held a paw out to help him climb back to the river bank.

As Bunwick stripped out of his tunic to dry it, Zouly looked around, “Where’s Teeper?” The others looked around as well, but the groundhog was gone.

* * *

The cat sat further along the riverbed eating a sandwich. She’d just come from the town as well. When the news hit about the robbery, she decided to make herself scarce before eating her meal. Things weren’t dire in town yet, but she still didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention. She was so focused on her meal, that she didn’t notice the groundhog approaching until he was already at her paws. “Hello there,” she greeted the newcomer.

The groundhog didn’t reply. His clothes would have been considered dapper once. Now, they were frayed and dirty along his belly, as if he’d been walking on all fours for days. His eyes lacked the twinkle of other awakened animals. What had happened to him?

“Don’t you speak?” the cat asked the groundhog again to no response. Then she noticed that he was looking more at her sandwich than he was at her. “Are you hungry?” She tore her sandwich in half and pawed it to him, “Here you go.”

The groundhog quickly gobbled up the sandwich and smiled at her expectantly. “That’s it!” she told him, “No more for you. Shoo now!” But he wouldn’t budge.

“There you are Teeper!” the cat looked to her left and saw a small frog approaching. “We’ve been looking for you.” He called out to his companions who were still searching, “Over here! I found him!”

The cat addressed the frog, “His name is Teeper? He wouldn’t say anything to me.”

The frog nodded and explained, “He’s been scared wild.” He then provided a quick account of their night at the Bridgeside Inn. Raz, Wilhemina and Bunwick, who had taken the time to pull his tunic back on, arrived as Zouly was reached the end of the story.

“Phantoms?” the cat exclaimed when he was finished, “I wish I’d been there to see them!”

“You say that,” Raz observed, “But I speak for us all in saying that we’d all have been much happier not to have seen them ourselves.”

Wilhemina sniffed, “Not me!”

“You slept through the whole thing!” Zouly snapped.

“So?” Wilhemina retorted, “Just because I didn’t see the phantoms doesn’t mean I’d be happier if I didn’t see them!”

The cat listened to them bicker before noticing that the beaver hadn’t said anything yet. “What’s with him? Did he get scared wild too?”

Bunwick had noticed her sandwich and was staring at it quite intently. His mouth was watering at the sight of food so close he could touch it. He realized that the others had stopped talking and were all looking at him. He blushed behind his fur, “Uh sorry…I was just noticing that you…had a sammich.”

The cat looked down at her food, “My word, are you really all that hungry?”

Raz nodded, “Our carefully packed rations expired last night. We were going to eat in town, but with the robbery there’s no food to spare for strangers.”

The cat nodded, “I thought that under the circumstances, eating my lunch in town might attract a crowd, so I came here.” She smiled wryly, “It looks like it didn’t help.”

Bunwick spoke up again, “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to share a corner of your sammich would you? I was going to catch some fish for our lunch, but it’d be ever so easier on a full stomach.”

The cat pawed him the rest of her sandwich, “Here you go.” She then reached into her sack for two more which she split evenly amongst the others. They all eagerly accepted the offer.

Raz smiled and took a bite of his half of sandwich, “This is most generous, Miss…”

The cat smiled brightly, “My name is Emeraldine Fiera!”

Zouly stared blankly at her, “Seriously?”

Bunwick elbowed him, “Be nice!” He smiled to Emeraldine, “Pleased to meet you, I‘m Bunwick and these are my friends, Raz, Mina and Zouly,” he gestured to each in turn, then looked back to the cat, “Emeraldine Fiera…that’s certainly an unusual name!”

The cat nodded, “I know right? I picked it out myself! A girl has to keep a little mystery about her!”

Wilhemina huffed, “Hey! I’m the mysterious one around here!” When the cat didn’t respond, she went on, “It’s right there in my name, Mysterious Mina Weasel! So you see we don’t need any other mysterious girls!”

“Oh I’m not mysterious!” Emeraldine assured her, “Only my name is!”

Mina narrowed her eyes at the cat, “Well…alright then!” she said grudgingly, “But only because you shared your sandwich!”

They all set to eating their bits of sandwich then. When he was done, Bunwick rose to his paws, “Okay! Time to catch us some fish!” He held up his spear with fierce determination as he marched to the riverbank.

Emeraldine watched him curiously, “Is he really going to catch fish with a spear?”

Zouly snorted, “Not likely. The only thing he’s going to catch is a cold if he falls in again.”

They all watched as Bunwick peered into the cold water, searching for movement to reveal his prey. A ripple in the water caught his attention and he stabbed at it with his spear, “Aha! Gotcha!“ With pride, he pulled it out to inspect his catch. His smile disappered when he realized that instead of a wriggling fish, there was an old leather boot on the end of his spear.

“Hopeless!” Wilhemina sighed. “Stand back and let a professional fisherfur work!”

Only Emeraldine seemed impressed, “You’re a professional fisherfur?”

Wilhemina looked a little sheepish, “Well, no..” She then stood up proudly, “But it’s a known fact that weasels are born catchers of fish!” She stripped out of her dress so that it wouldn’t get wet and then waded into the water, “You just watch!” And with that she dove beneath the surface.

Everybody sat and waited quietly as seconds passed. Zouly was just about to open his mouth to make a pointed comment when Wilhemina resurfaced with a fish between her teeth. She spit it out onto the riverbank, “That’s one!” She dove back under.

Raz, Teeper and Emeraldine rushed then to the bank. Zouly followed more slowly, muttering under his breath. As the others watched Mina’s progress more closely, Raz grabbed the fish that was flopping around in the grass and tossed it in a basket.

Twenty times Mina dove and resurfaced. Each time, she had a fish caught between her teeth. Satisfied, that that was enough for now, she climbed out of the river and stared smugly at Zouly, “Toldja I could fish!”

Zouly ignored her, but the others were quick to congratulate their irritating friend. “Good job Mina!”

Raz held out the basket full of fish, “So who wants to cook these up?”

Emeraldine raised her paw, “I’m a pretty decent cook, or so I’ve been told.”

Raz pawed her the basket, “By all means!” He let her clean and gut the fish, while he and Bunwick went to get some firewood. In no time at all, the wonderful smell of fried fish filled their nostrils. The sandwiches had been good, but they were all still hungry. They immediately ate half of the collected fish before they were finally sated.

“What brings you to Lancton, Emeraldine?” Bunwick asked as he rubbed his full belly.

Emeraldine looked pensive, “Hmmm…I’m not sure really. I like to travel. I just pick a road and see where it leads me.”

Raz raised an eyebrow, “You travel for no reason?”

Emeraldine gave it some more thought, “Well, I like to try new foods, so I guess there’s that.” She added, “I don’t think I’m going to find any in Lancton though.”

“Probably not,” Raz agreed.

“What about you all?” the cat asked, “Why have you come to Lancton?”

“We were hired to deliver a package to Constable Copley,” Raz answered. He looked to his companions, “Speaking of which, we really should head back to town and find him.”

“Why don’t you come with us, Emeraldine?” Bunwick suggested, “It must be lonely travelling by yourself.”

Emeraldine thought it over. “I guess I could follow you for a while,” she agreed.

Everybody but Wilhemina looked pleased, “Just remember who the mysterious one is here!”

Zouly rolled his eyes. He was about to respond when Raz cut him off, “Enough dawdling. We need to get back to town!” He led the way and the others followed him back to Lancton.

May 152013

Welcome back to the Wednesday Mash-up! I have no delightful banter to use for an intro this week, so let’s dive right in. As always, click on the picture to make with the bigness.

Today is part three of our review of the members of the Furship. There’s only one again, so that means I’ve decided to stretch things out for another week. Betcha saw that coming!

Our third hero is the smallest member of the group, Zouly the frog. He’s deadly with his slingshot, just ask Wilhemina. I originally planned to have his tongue sticking out, but I felt it didn’t really stand out with the slingshot in the way.


Well, we have one hero left to look at, so it’s a good bet that he’ll be showing up next week. See you next Wednesday for the final reveal!

Apr 272013

The group walked in silence. The night had been long and the sleep short. Raz led the way, followed by Bunwick and Wilhemina. Behind them, Zouly rode atop Teeper’s shoulders. The groundhog had not come back to himself and still acted wild. After some debate, mostly from Wilhemina who wanted to claim Teeper as her pet, the group had agreed to bring Teeper with them and that Zouly would take care of him.

Before leaving the inn, they had helped themselves to some supplies. It wasn’t looking like Dross and Jinni were ever coming back. The moral high ground was one thing, but letting food and goods go completely to waste was another. Wilhemina nailed a warning note to the door that, “Here there be phantoms!”

The sky was overcast and sombre. It would rain soon. They were coming on the final days of autumn and the days were getting colder. There would be at least two cold nights around a campfire before they reached Lancton. The sun was starting to set on the first day when they spotted across a small convoy of wagons a ways off the main road to the west.

“Most likely Rota,” Raz surmised. He explained to his companions, “The Rota are wanderers. They roam the countryside of Pelaria. The convoy is their family, the wagons are their homes. They follow the wind and the wind doesn’t hold to any road.”

“Are they friendly?” Bunwick asked.

“Most are,” Raz answered. “Unless you give them a reason not to be. If you threaten the Rota’s family, they will not hesitate to kill you where you stand. They are fierce fighters when they need to be.”

The last part made Bunwick nervous. “Are we sure we want to bother them then?” he asked the others.

“Do you plan on threatening their family?” Zouly asked.

“Well, no…” Bunwick replied, his cheeks growing hot with blush beneath his fur.

“We should be alright then…” Zouly pointed out. “Night’s coming on and there’s safety in numbers.“ He nudged Teeper with his heel to direct the groundhog towards the Rota encampment. Raz and Wilhemina agreed with his logic and followed suit. Still concerned but ceding to the frog’s logic, Bunwick brought up the rear.

As they approached the Rota camp, a solitary figure walked out to meet them. He was a wolf, dressed in colourful garb. His face was calm yet guarded. “Greetings travellers. What wind blows you this way?”

The others deferred to Raz to speak for them as he was the most familiar with the Rota and their ways. “Greetings. We were on out way to Lancton when we saw your wagons. We were hoping you would allow us to share your campfire with you this evening. The night is cold and the Wild grow bolder as food grows scarce.”

The wolf nodded, “Our fires are always open to furs in need. I am Kastagan, wind-seeker for this family. I bid you welcome.”

Raz smiled warmly, “Thank you Kastagan. I am Raz. These are my friends, Bunwick, Wilhemina and Zouly.” He pointed to each of his companions as he introduced them. The smaller furs each gave a little bow.

Kastagan looked them each over in turn. His eyes then fell on Teeper, “And your steed, frog rider? What of him?”

Zouly looked embarrassed, “Uh this is Teeper…it’s a long story.” He then recounted the events of their stay at the Bridgeside Inn. Kastagan listened to their tale but offered no comment. When Zouly was done, he asked the wolf leader, “In your travels have you ever come across an animal that fell back to the Wild?”

Kastagan considered the question, then answered, “In truth, I cannot be certain. When one meets a wild animal, one does not usually consider that it may not always have been so and therefore does not think to look for signs that prove the contrary.”

“That makes sense I guess,” Zouly admitted. “I don’t suppose then you know of anything that might help Teeper come to his senses again?” When the wolf shook his head no, Zouly shrugged, “Well, it was worth a shot.”

Unable to keep silent any longer Wilhemina finally interjected, “You know, it’s getting cold out here! Couldn’t we move this boring conversation over to the fire?”

Her companions looked aghast at the bluntness of her approach, but Kastagan didn’t seem to mind. He apologized in fact, “I’m sorry. How silly og me? In truth, I am not myself these days since my daughter has fallen sick.”

Mina opened her mouth to say something but Raz quickly cut her off, “I’m sorry to hear that. Have you no healer amongst your family?”

Kastagan shook his head, “It has been some time since we’ve travelled with a healer amongst us. Not many instructed in the healing ways succumb to the call of the wind. I was hoping to find one when we reached the Reunion, but we are still some days’ travel away and my daughter’s condition worsens.”

“Maybe I could take a look at her?” Zouly offered. He hopped down from Teeper’s shoulder and moved up to the wind-seeker. “I’m not a fully trained healer, but I’ve picked up a few things here and there.”

Kastagan did not hesitate, “I am eager to accept any help at this point. This way, please.” He led the group to his wagon. “Forgive me if I only allow your friend into my wagon,” he told the others as he helped Zouly in. The others nodded understandably. He continued, “Help yourselves to a place by the fire. Soup will be served soon.” He then headed into the wagon himself.

The three furs moved to take a place by the fire. As promised, a hearty soup was served to them. After days of cold rations, a hot meal was most welcome and they eagerly consumed the meal. An hour passed before Zouly emerged from the wagon. His companions looked to him eagerly for news.

“The pup will survive,” he reassured them. “I was able to prepare a syrup that helped break her fever. She’ll be bedridden for a week or two before she regains her strength again.”

Raz smiled, “I had no idea you were a healing frog!” Already he seemed to be counting the Shinies that could be made.

Zouly shrugged, “There’s plenty you don’t know about me.” He added, “Plenty I don’t know about you either and I like it that way.”

Raz looked hurt, “Come now! Surely we’re all friends at this point?”

Zouly helped himself to some soup from the pot that hung over the fire. Without looking at the others he allowed, “We’re not NOT friends.”

Raz raised his eyebrows, “Good enough I suppose. Oh look, here comes Kastagan.”

The wind-seeker had a look of relief on his face as he emerged from his wagon and approached the fire. “My daughter sleeps soundly,” he announced. “I thank the winds for blowing you in our direction.”

Zouly looked embarrassed, “I only did what any fur would do given the circumstances.”

Kastagan shook his head, “You did what none of my family could do. You saved my daughter’s life. Our family is forever bonded to you for this.”

He joined them by the fire. The rest of the evening was spent with the Rota regaling their guests with stories of their travels and explaining their customs. In all it was a welcome change to the horrible night they’d spent at the Bridgeside Inn. They slept soundly amongst their new friends.

When it came time to part ways the next morning, Kastagan followed the travellers back to the main road. He clasped Zouly‘s little webbed paw in his larger furred paw, “You will always find friends in the Rota, frog rider!” Earnestly, he said to the little frog, “If ever you are in need, call my name out and the wind will carry your voice to my ear.”

Zouly nodded, “Thank you Kastagan.” He hopped back onto Teeper’s shoulder, “Until the winds blow us together again!”

Kastagan smiled, “Well said!”

The wolf stood aside and let the group pass by him to continue on their way. When they had attained some distance from them, he could just make out Wilhemina’s voice as she asked her travel mates, “How will he possibly be able to hear Zouly if he calls out his name?” He couldn’t make out the answer but he smiled before turning back to the encampment, leaving the travellers to walk the last section of the road to Lancton.

Apr 202013

DISCLAIMER: The Furship Chronicles narrate the adventures of our gaming group as we playtest the Age of Animus Storytelling Game. Bunwick is played by Frank, Raz is played by Steve, Wilhemina is played by Fab and Zouly is played by Lyne. The interactions you read are not straight transcriptions of their conversations in the game (My memory isn’t good enough to remember them all) but rather my interpretation of their characters as they played them in our gaming session. I hope I do justice to the fun we had playing.

The Bridgeside Inn stood before them. Built on a stretch of land between the bridges crossing the Bunny River and Tinker’s River, it wasn’t difficult to figure out what inspired the name. It was a homey sort of building, solidly built and attractive. Bunwick could have pointed out countless factoids regarding its architecture were his traveling companions inclined to hear them. They were not, so he kept the fun facts to himself. Nevertheless, it was a welcome sight to weary travellers on the long road to Lancton.

“I don’t care what you say!” Wilhemina declared petulantly, “I want to sleep in a bed tonight!” She folded her arms across her chest as she stood her ground.

“I wouldn’t mind that myself,” Bunwick chimed in.

Raz carefully considered the request/demand. It had been a long journey, true; but they were so close to the goal. There would be an inn in Lancton to drain them of their Shinies. However, he wasn’t interested in dealing with the stink that Wilhemina would kick up if he refused. Grudgingly, he grumbled his consent, “Oh alright! If it will make you happy!”

Wilhemina clapped her paws together, “Goodie!” She bounded with renewed energy towards the structure.

“I thought she was exhausted…” Zouly grunted to nobody in particular. He and the remaining furs followed her as she entered the inn.

Inside, the main room was cold and empty. Nobody stood to greet them. Normally at this time of year, one could expect a blazing fire in the hearth to provide light and warmth. Here, the fireplace held nothing but ashes.

The four spread out to examine the room. There was no tell-tale layer of dust to suggest a lengthy abandonment. Everything seemed to be well-maintained as well. Whatever had happened to cause the occupants to leave, it had been sudden and recent.

Taking a chance, Raz called out, “Is there anybody here?”

None of them expected an answer, making it all the more surprising when a small voice answered from the back room, “I am!”

The four companions were wary as they walked over to meet the other presence. They cautiously stepped into the adjoining doorway.

A lone fur stood in the small back room. A dapper little groundhog, clad in a green vest over a yolk-coloured chemise. He smiled apprehensively, “I don’t suppose Dross or Jinni sent you?”

The blank expressions on their faces said it all. “Who?” Bunwick asked.

“Dross and Jinni are the owners of the Bridgeside Inn,” the groundhog explained.

“Well then who are you?” Zouly asked rather bluntly.

The groundhog bowed respectfully, “The name’s Teeper. I’m a tailor by trade. I often travel from my home in Lancton to visit family in Calix’s Cross and I always stop here at Bridgeside when I do.” He peered at the four furs, “And who might you be, exactly?”

Each took their turn introducing themselves. When at last everyone was satisfied that nobody meant any harm to anyone else, all turned their attentions back to the curious situation they found themselves in.

“You’ve stopped here before so you know the innkeepers,” Bunwick started, “Are they the type to just leave like the place empty like this?”

Teeper shook his head, “Not at all! Dross and Jinni built this place with their own paws! They’ve worked hard to make Bridgeside into something nice. I can’t imagine what could possibly get them to leave?”

Raz stroked his chin, pondering, “They don’t have any family anywhere that they’d have to visit?”

Again Teeper shook his head, “Not that I know of. They never had children and their parents are long gone.”

Bunwick looked about suddenly, “Where’s Mina?” Nobody had noticed that the weasel was no longer in the room with them.

Zouly let out an exasperated sigh, “Probably getting into trouble again…” He stood up, “Mina? Where are you girl?”

Wilhemina walked back in, gnawing on a leg of mutton that she definitely hadn‘t had before, “You guys were being boring just sitting around and talking, so I decided to look for secret passageways but I couldn’t find any.” She nibbled at her mutton, “Larder’s full though.”

The others streamed out to examine the pantry. As Wilhemina had said, it was still fully stocked. “None of this food has spoiled,” Raz noted. “Even the vegetables are still fresh. That means a day or two at most since the innkeepers left.”

“Well, they didn’t go towards Lancton,” Teeper said next, “I definitely would have crossed them on the road.”

“And we didn’t meet anybody on the road on our way here either,” said Zouly.

“That leaves the countryside,” Raz mused. “Were either of them likely to go out hunting?”

It was Bunwick who answered with a question of his own, “With a full pantry? What would be the point?”

Wilhemina yawned, “I’m bored! I came here to sleep in a warm bed, not talk about furs who aren’t even here! I’m going up to find a room.”

“For once, I’m with Mina,” Zouly said to the others. He continued before she could comment on how he’d agreed with her, “It’s getting late and whatever happened here, we’re not likely to solve it tonight. Might as well get a good night’s sleep and start again fresh in the morning.”

Bunwick looked concerned, “What about the innkeepers? Won’t they be upset if they return and find that we’ve helped ourselves to a room while they were gone?”

“This is what inns are for,” Raz pointed out. “If they return, we can explain to them what happened and square things up.” He led the others out and up the stairs to claim a room. With his objections neatly answered, Bunwick quickly followed. In a matter of minutes they were all fast asleep.

* * *

Wilhemina, Raz, Zouly and Teeper all stuck their heads out from their rooms at the same time. Only Bunwick remained asleep in his bed. “You heard it too?” Teeper asked the others, who could only nod.

An hour had passed since the travellers had turned in. They were all sound asleep when they each heard a strange sound coming from the hallway. Unsure if what they’d heard was real or a dream, they’d each opened their doors to look out. As they looked at each other in confusion, the strange breezy whistling sound picked up again.

“There it is again!”

Raz perked his ears, “Where’s it coming from?” The next time they heard it, he pointed to the only unoccupied room, “There!”

The four moved quickly and burst through the door only to find the room empty. The window was closed and even more curious was the view. The trees were completely still. There wasn’t even the slightest breeze outside.

Where the others were perplexed, Teeper grew agitated, “I don’t like this!” He left the room to stand in the hallway. After satisfying themselves that there was truly nothing out of place in the room, the others followed him.

Teeper yipped when the windy whistle sounded again. Raz called out sharply, “Who’s there?!”

The loud voice finally stirred Bunwick from his room, “What’s going on?” he asked sleepily.

Teeper looked at him incredulously, “You didn’t hear it?”

Bunwick rubbed his eyes with the back of his paw, “Hear what?” As though in answer, the whistle call sounded again, giving him a start, “Oh my!”

“It sounds like it’s coming from downstairs now,” Zouly observed. He bounded down the wooden stairs to the main room. It was as empty as when they first arrived. The others joined him and they all set about re-examining the room.

“There’s nothing here,” Raz declared.

“I don’t like this at all!” Teeper repeated.

Wilhemina looked non-plussed, “This is stupid! I’m going back to bed!” Yawning, she left the room to head back upstairs. Her companions watched her go, then turned back to each other.

“Well, what do we do now?” Zouly asked.

“We could take turns standing watch,” Bunwick suggested.

“I’ll stand first,” Raz volunteered. “The rest of you head back to bed.”

Teeper shook his head, “No way! I’m not staying one minute more in this place!”

Raz shook his head, “Don’t be silly friend. If anything was going to happen, I’m sure it would have happened by now. Go up to your room.”

“Nuh-uh!” the groundhog grunted. “I’m sleeping outside!” and with that, he marched out of  the building.

Zouly shrugged, “Suit yourself.” He and Bunwick went back to their rooms, leaving Raz all alone to stand watch.

* * *

An hour passed and nothing happened. Raz was slowly starting to doze off in a chair when suddenly a bright light flashed before his eyes. For a moment, the night was transformed into day and then, just as suddenly it went out again.

“AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” Teeper screamed from outside.

Raz raced out to see what was the matter. He found the groundhog cowering behind the inn. “What happened friend?”

“The light!” was all Teeper could blurt out.

“You saw it too, then?” Raz said simply. The groundhog was clearly scared. Raz felt uneasy himself, but still managed to keep hold of his emotions. “Come friend. Let’s go back inside.”

The fear of being left alone was stronger than his fear of whatever he imagined lurked in the lodge, so Teeper followed the big wolverine back inside where they found Zouly and Bunwick waiting for them.

Bunwick looked concerned. “What happened?” he asked. “We heard a scream!”

“It was Teeper,” Raz replied. “We both saw a bright flash and the poor fellow lost his wits for a moment.”

“Are you alright, Teeper?” Bunwick asked, but the little groundhog was staring at the ceiling, abject terror on his face.

Zouly, Bunwick and Raz all followed the terrified fur’s eyes and witnessed the strangest sight any of them had ever come across.

A strangely glowing light streaked across the ceiling. Dark spots within the light suggested the hint of a skeletal face. The spectral apparition hovered over them for a moment and then it was gone.

Zouly, Bunwick and Raz looked down from the ceiling and at each other. They stood in silence until finally Zouly asked, “Was that a specter?”

They’d all heard folktales of ghostly apparitions that wandered the countryside. But they were just stories parents told their kids to scare them.

“I’ve never seen one before to be sure,” Raz answered, “But…”

“Wooooo!” Teeper wailed. He was trembling now, “This place is haunted!”

Raz tried to reason with him, “From what I’ve read on the subject, specters don’t stay in one place. They’ll move along soon enough.” He was just starting to reach the groundhog when the whistling started again,

Teeper started screaming. Zouly shook his head, “For the love of the Six…” He bounced in front of the groundhog and shouted at him, “CALM DOWN!”

The sharp command had the opposite effect on the terrified fur. Even more frightened then before, Teeper took off, running around the room erratically, toppling furniture over as he went.

“Just perfect,” Bunwick muttered, “Nice going, Zouly!”

“How was I supposed to know he’d react like that?” the frog protested.

“He’s scared out of his mind!” Bunwick snapped, “How did you think he was going to react?”

“Obviously, I thought he would calm down!” Zouly snapped back.

Raz cut them both short, “Will you two stop bickering with each other and help me catch him!”

Working together, the furs and scaley cornered the scurrying groundhog. Zouly held his paws out to Teeper and slowly approached, “Easy there, Teeper. We’re not going to hurt you.” He advanced until finally he could set a paw on the cowering fur, and started to rub his head soothingly, “It’s okay. Nothing’s going to happen. We’re here to protect you.”

Teeper didn’t say a word. He only whimpered. His eyes were wide-open and vacant. Raz peered into them and then looked the fur over, “I think he’s been scared wild.”

Zouly and Bunwick furrowed their brows in confusion. Raz explained the phenomenon where awakened furs suffered traumas so severe, it hampered their ability to reason. They reverted back to a wild state.

“Will he get better?” Bunwick asked.

Raz shrugged, “I don’t know…there aren’t many documented cases. Logic would dictate that if he could be awakened once, he should be able to be awakened again.”

“What are you–” Zouly started. Teeper was rubbing his head against the frog’s tummy, “Get off of me!”

Bunwick couldn‘t help laughing, “Looks like you have a new best friend, Zouly!”

Zouly didn’t see the humour in the situation, “It’s not funny! Get off!”

Raz watched as the groundhog followed the agitated frog around the room. “He seems to have imprinted on you as his protector.”

Zouly looked dumbfounded, “What?” He stared at Teeper, “Are you serious?”

Raz nodded, “Absolutely serious.”

“What are you all doing up so early?” Everybody looked to the stairway where Mina stood, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The weasel had slept through the entire ordeal apparently.

“Early?” Zouly asked, still trying to push Teeper away.

Wilhemina nodded, “The sun’s just coming up,” she pointed to the window where indeed the first rays of light were starting to filter in. She then looked at the frog wrestling with the groundhog, “What’s with Teeper?”

“It’s a long story,” Bunwick said. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he was clearly amused, “But the long and short of it is that Zouly has a new pet!”

Mina pouted, “That isn’t fair! Why does Zouly get a pet and I don’t?”

The frog stamped his feet, “I don’t want a pet! It’s bad enough we have to be taking care of you half the time!” He looked to Raz, “Can’t we just let him run free in the wild?”

Raz shook his head dubiously, “Teeper’s lived his whole life in civilized society. He doesn’t know how to survive in the wild. Leaving him all alone now would be signing his death warrant.”

“Well what are we supposed to do?” The frog demanded to know, “We can’t very well keep him with us from now on, can we?”

Raz considered it, “He’s from Lancton and we’re going there anyway. Maybe being back in a familiar setting will help him come back to himself.”

Zouly grudgingly caved, “Okay then. Just to Lancton!”

Bunwick was still grinning, “You’re always saying it’s hard to keep up with us, Zouly. You could ride Teeper!”

Mina looked up, “What? No! *I* want to ride Teeper!” She moved toward the frog and groundhog.

“Oh no!” Zouly exclaimed, shaking his head, “If anybody’s going to ride him, it’s going to be me!”

Raz walked past them and back towards the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Bunwick asked.

“To get some sleep,” Raz muttered.

“Now? What about–”

Raz interrupted them, “Look friends, it’s been a long night and we’re still three days away from our destination. I say we catch some much needed rest and start fresh this afternoon.” Without waiting for a reply, he headed up the stairs to his room. The road to Lancton would have to wait.