Nov 252020

Hello readers (or viewers if all you do is look atta pictures). It is time for another mash-up. Mash! Mash!

Here’s Skitter the Street Samurai ready for action. He’s small but he’s fierce! I went from an inspiration pic who was wearing a white suit with a red shirt to a blue jumpsuit with a red shirt since Skitter already features a lot of white in his fur.

That’s all for this week. We’ll see you next week for another round, chummers.

Nov 182020

Helloooooooooooo! Welcome back to Wednesday! Time for the mash-up!

So I hinted that the new theme was going to be RPG-inspired. Did anybody guess Shadowrun?

I’ve played Shadowrun all of zero times, but I made a character one time. We were supposed to start a campaign and it just never happened. I do find the setting fascinating. It’s something I’m considering running.

Here’s Big Oonch as O-Link. I’m thinking he’s a decker.

That’s all for this week. We’ll dive back into the Matrix next Wednesday! See you then!