Nov 062013

It’s Wednesday and I’m having a hard time waking up. Maybe a mash-up will do the trick!

There may be some of you out there who don’t really dig the whole steampunk esthetic. Well sorry to you guys, we’re not quite done yet!

This week is Sass’s turn. I always look forward to drawing Sass because she has the most “human” proportions of all the characters making it easier to pose her. That said, I really struggled with finding an interesting pose until I found a picture of a steampunk girl leaning on a device of some sort with tubing protruding from it. I couldn’t quite get it to look like she was leaning with any weight, but just having her paw on the pipework was good. I was flipping through some steampunk fashion pictures and came upon these boots that I thought were pretty neat. I couldn’t really do them justice, but I used the fact that they were asymmetrical for Sass’s paw-wear. Going back to her original design, Sass is the only steampunk design with the character clearly holstering a weapon, a knife/dagger in this case.


Well that’s it for this week! Next week is Red Rich!

Oct 302013
Oct 232013

It’s still kinda dark out and it’s 7am. It’s sad. Let’s brighten things up with a mash-up!

Steampunk still rules baby!

Here’s Nektara as a steampunk flautist or flutist depending on your preferred pronunciation or even just flute player. I had no idea what kind of details to add to the design. I went back to Nektara’s roots and gave her back her flute. The rest fell into place. I also struggled with Nektara’s hair. I really wanted to give her those bangs but I couldn’t find a way to put her goggles, let alone a hat, on her head. I solved the problem by dropping the hat and putting the goggles around her neck. I have no idea if a flautist (my preferred pronunciation) has need for a metronome, but it was a musical doohickey that I could realistically imagine being “steampunkified” Finally, I went with the treble clef instead of just notes as the musical motif because I thought they were fancier. Overall, I think she turned out great!


Next week is Barnaby. The single longest-to-produce image yet! See you next Wednesday for that!

Oct 162013

It’s Wednesday morning and I can’t wake up! I know! Let’s put up a mash-up! That should do the trick!

If you expected anything other than more steampunk this week, then you haven’t been paying attention! (So many exclamation marks this week.) With that said, it’s time to begin. Click on the picture to see it blown up.

I’ve been alternating boy-girl-boy-girl, so the pattern dictated that this week feature a boy. I chose Big Oonch to follow up Zoë. After how well Zoë turned out, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do anything that I liked nearly as much. I’m happy to say that I like how Oonch turned out. I went with a leather pilot’s helmet for his headwear. Was there any doubt that he’d be wearing his goggles over his eyes? I’m not really sure what the doohickey he’s holding up is supposed to do (or the doodad he’s reaching for on his shoulder strap that matter)…I just added details until I was satisfied. I don’t know how effective brass-toed boots are, but they seemed more steampunkish!


So that’s it for this week. Next week is Nektara’s turn! See you then!

Oct 092013

It’s not REALLY Wednesday until the Mash-up goes up, right? Well, consider it Wednesday!

More steampunky goodness this week. When I finished this week’s piece, I thought I’d produced my best work yet. I’m really happy with the way it turned out. So let’s get to it, right? As always, click on the picture to see it enlarged.

I was looking through some steampunk cosplay pictures for some inspiration when I came across a steampunk aviatrix. I thought that was a perfect fit for Zoë who flies as a member of the Mouse Wing. I used most of the elements from the aviatrix picture I found, just in a more dynamic pose. I couldn’t make out all the details of the girl’s jacket, so I winged those (pun intentional). The colours of her winged apparatus are supposed to suggest Popkin’s colours. The hardest part was trying to figure out how to do fit some goggles or a hat on Zoë’s head with those ears. Her goggles (more glasses really) reach under her chin and the hat is split by her ears.


Okay. so that was one of my favorite mash-ups ever.The big question is, did the Big Oonch piece that’s coming next week turn out as well? Come back next Wednesday to find out!