Mar 152019

Hey! Flashback time!

Here’s Zoë as Sailor Moon.

Here’s the comparison to the original piece. When I did the original, it turns out I used Sailor Venus’ uniform from later in the series after her powers evolved or some such. As I didn’t do any of the other pieces in that costume, I decided to do the remake in the classic costume.

That’s all for this week! More fun stuff next week!

Mar 012019

Hey there! Time for another fast flashback before work!

Here’s Deema as Sailor Mars!

Here’s the comparison to the original. The things that stands out is the body proportions. I really cheated with the original and gave Deema more human proportions. I tried to stick to her usual proportions in the remake. Key is TRIED. 🙂

That’s all for this week! More fun next week!

Feb 152019

Hey! It’s Friday morning just before work, and here’s this week’s flashback!

This week is Red Rich as Tuxedo Kamen. It’s not my favorite piece of the set. Probably my least favorite actually. It’s kinda growing on me as time goes by.

Here’s a comparison to the original.

That’s all for this week. More flashback fun next Friday!

Feb 092019

Hey there! It’s time for a Saturday Slip-up! Yeah, I figure I might as well give a name to when I slip up and forget to post until Saturday.

So this was not meant to be the next flashback, but I’m kinda sorta going in the order that character are introduced and Umino is really a C-Tier character so I’ll do him up front.

Big Oonch is back as Umino, or Melvin as English fans may know him as.

Here’s a comparison to the original.

That’s all for this week. More Sailor Moon stuff next Friday (or Saturday)!