May 222019

What up peeps! Time for some mash-up to the max! Let’s see if this posts properly this week.

Here we have our little Zoë as Setzer. Working with fabric, particularly overcoats, is still a challenge.

That’s all for this week. Some more mashin’ next Wednesday.

May 012019

Time for a new mash-up! Wednesdays rock!

Here we have our ol’ buddy Todrick as Edgar Figaro. I honestly didn’t remember the chain saw, but a number of pictures of Edgar had it so I figured it must be a big part of the character. I like the shading on Todrick’s face this go-around.

That’s all for this week. More FFVI next Wednesday!

Apr 242019

I sat down at my computer intended to post this and an hour later I was about to go to bed without posting. Anyhoo, here it is!

Terra Branford is the female protagonist of the game, brought to life here by Sass. It occurs to me as I’m posting this that her arms see a lot longer than her legs, though that’s partly to do with her belts being so low on her body.

That’s all for this week. More Final Fantasy VI next week!