Hey there reader, glad to have you back for some more bloggishness.
Did everybody have a good Hallowe’en? I forgot to mention in my last blog post how my mostly useless pop culture trivia knowledge scored me ten bucks at the Hallowe’en party. So they had a Hallowe’en trivia challenge and even though I wouldn’t qualify the spooks and scares as a topic I’m super knowledgeable in, what I DID know, combined with the support of the others on my team did get us the first prize which was a fifty dollar gift certificate split five ways. Groovy. I used on Fox in the Forest, a really nice two-player trick taking game. So yay useless trivia!
FCL had their monthly wrestling show on Saturday and I have to say it felt a little…lacking. Maybe it was the classless comments from the people sitting around us the whole time, but there was also no standout match this month. Next month, my old friends the Reno Brothers are going to be in the main event, so that’s something I’m looking forward to. I had a delicious thai chicken burger prior to the event and some bubble tea and I was with friends so it was still a good evening overall.
The new Destiny set is coming out this week. And Keyforge is coming out next week supposedly. Why are all these companies releasing all this cool stuff when I need to be saving money to buy Christmas presents? The fiends! Even worse are the Kickstarter projects. I’m paying now at the worst time, for stuff I won’t get for months. Ahh, first world problems.
I’m back at drawing X-Men mash-ups. I’ve got three pieces completely finished, two more that need shading and one that I haven’t started colouring yet. That puts me ahead of schedule which is nice after having to hurry to get through all the Hallowe’en mash-ups these last couple of weeks. But once I get into a rhythm it isn’t as hard to keep at it. Three of those X-Men pieces were done over this past week.
We had to skip last week’s Star Wars RPG session as some of the players couldn’t make it. We’ll be making it up for it with two weeks of play back to back. I’m looking forward to Wednesday. I almost feel prepared this week.
That’s all the news that’s fit to print. I’m about to try my hand at Gwent. I may talk about this next Monday. Until then, have a good seven! Carja V.