Hello readers. It’s that time of the week that I call Monday. What’s that? You call it Monday too?! That sounds like cause to blog!
There is a plan afoot to go see Weird Al in concert next week. He’s giving a free outdoor concert in Montreal on July 21st in conjunction with the Just For Laughs comedy festival. Here’s to hoping the weather is good that day. I’ve yet to attend a concert in my life, so it’d be swell for this to be my first. If any of you are going, mayhaps I’ll see you there!
In Animus news, the battle between our heroes and Horvath’s bandits has begun. It’s the climax to the whole storyline! I wasn’t sure I’d ever get here but sometime before 2015 ends I will get to begin a new chapter of Animus Funnies. For those of you wanting to catch up, the storyline begins all the way back in strip number 205 (tomorrow’s strip will be number 408).
So a week or so ago, I was talking on Facebook about the games I had played. One of the commenters mentioned that she played Ticket to Ride on the computer. This got me to thinking, “I have Ticket to Ride on my computer. Why don’t *I* play that?” The answer up to that point was that my computer overheats rather easily when I play most games (or watch videos even) so I assumed it would do so if I tried. But this time around I thought a little more about it and thought maybe it would be light enough to play without taxing my computer. So I tried it and what do you know? It works fine! So I’ve been playing a LOT of Ticket to Ride. My top score is 213 points in a four player solo game using the 1910 Mega Variant of the classic North American map. The lowest I saw the computer score was -8 points. I don’t much care for the Swiss or the Legendary Asia maps. It’s Classic and Europe for me! If anybody has the game and wants to play online, send me a message on Facebook!
Other than that, I tried out Dice Town on Thursday. It’s a fun game if you like rolling dice. If the randomness of dice ruins your gaming experience then you should probably look elsewhere. In Dice Town, everybody is trying to build a poker hand using the special poker dice. Then the player with the most of each die result win something, whether it be gold nuggets, money from the bank, supplies from the general store, the favor of the ladies at the saloon (which allows you to steal from an opponent) or the sheriff’s badge, which is nice because the sheriff decides who wins ties. The best overall hand scores property deeds. If a player doesn’t win anything (less likely in a 2-3 player game) he or she visits Doc Badluck who will help them out a little. Deeds, equipment, money and nuggets are all worth points and when there are either no deeds or nuggets left, the player with the most points wins.
So I guess that’s all the blogginess I have in me for this week. Have a good seven and we’ll do this all again next Monday. Carja V.